Hello friends,
Thank you so much for bearing with us last week, and our last minute cancellation. I am feeling much better now, just a weird 24 hr stomach bug, I guess. But on that note, it would be nice to have a few of you operate as back-up hosts, so that we are not always canceling. But we can discuss this some more next time we meet as a group.
This week is our final IF TABLE. So, once again this will be a ladies only gathering. It will be either at the Sivage home at 7pm. Food is provided so no need to contribute. We do not have any set plans for the Gents at this point. I am going to leave that as an open discussion for you guys to decide among yourselves. So please check back here, or on the Facebook page for an update tomorrow on location and time. Also, I will be posting the questions for the If TABLE on the Facebook page.
Sorry if I'm rambling a bit, as of late I have been fairly doped up on allergy meds.
Happy Father's Day,
June 27 - Southern BBQ
July 4 - Scatter Happy 4th!
July 11 - Finger Foods
July 16 - Church Cleaning Day
July 18 - Hawaiian Themed
July 25 - Stuffed! (burgers, peppers, mushrooms, shells, etc)
Aug 1 - Scatter Week
We are happy to host 😊