Saturday, December 29, 2018

Sunday Dec 30 Scatter

Hey guys!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  We were able to spend time with both sides of the family, which was awesome. Unfortunately, we were battling some head colds, and the little guy started teething. And let me tell you, between the cold and the teething he is not taking it too well. So it is for these reasons (and just general holiday exhaustion) that we are going to scatter this week. We look forward to seeing you all in the new year on January 6th. Please post some potluck ideas below.

Karina Tanksley

Friday, December 14, 2018

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Sunday, December 9th, Scatter Week

Hi Everybody,

It seems we have a busier week than normal and putting together a group for today is gonna be a bit tough to do. That being said, we hope that people find time for intentional bonding with someone during our normal meeting time.

Maybe have dinner with a neighbor or friend?
Get a baby sitter and grab a date night?
Have a family outing together?

Just some ideas to go and love one another out there with the people we see on the regular.

You all are awesome!

Zach and Karina